In this presentation of the greatness of God’s Word, the listener will see what it means to truly consider God’s Word. The believer will see benefits of the daily consideration of the Word of God in light of the great spiritual competition.
God Is Our Helper
We are in a spiritual competition. We must condition our lives to seek spiritual help in our time of need.
The Devil has one goal with three elements (John 10:10) He wants to steal, kill and destroy the
believer’s life, purposes, dreams, and successes. Therefore, a believer must keep their life rooted and
grounded in God. Sometimes, the enemy’s punches will land and hurt our lives. We have a great
scripture to claim amid these attacks.
Hebrews 4:16: Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and
find grace to help in time of need.
In times of trouble, we come boldly to God. This word boldly implies confidence, and it is connected
with freedom in speaking. When we need help, we can come to God’s throne of grace speaking from
our hearts freely to Him. Our coming to God boldly results in two things. We obtain mercy and find
grace to help. Let’s focus on the concept of help. The Greek word is defined as aid, but it refers to a
rope or chain for frapping a vessel. Now frapping a ship has a unique meaning. It is used for the chains
and ropes to wrap a vessel and hold it together tightly. Frapping is used to hold it together when a ship
is under stress and coming apart.
In the spiritual competition, the Devil wants to rip your life apart (destroy). He uses the pressure of the
world and evil devices to keep individuals entrapped. The enemy wants you to be afraid, depressed,
fearful, and living without hope. This is the opposite of the abundant life that we are called to live.
Today, our country has sharply increased suicide among people under 30 years of age. God’s Word
encourages us to come boldly to Him. He can help us hold it together. God’s Word and Spirit can make
all things new (Romans 6:4, 2 Corinthians 5:17). Thanks be to God who can counteract all the Devil’s
devices. We can run to our Heavenly Father, who will help us hold it together and make us new.
Hebrews 13:6 has a great statement of victory of God’s help in time of need.
Hebrew 13:6: So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do
unto me.
The Valiant for Truth Team